• Comunicación y educación interactiva en salud y su aplicación al control del paciente diabético Recursos Humanos

    García González, Rosario; Suárez Pérez, Rolando; Mateo-de-Acosta, Oscar

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    En este artículo se analiza la necesidad de participación de los grupos destinatarios para hacer más efectiva la educación en salud. Partiendo del enfoque tradicional de la educación, se profundiza en las distintas opciones de los procesos de comunicación y educación en este campo. En el modelo de comunicación participatoria, donde se desempeña la doble función de emisor y receptor, se llega a la coproducción de los mensajes de educación en salud. En vista de la experiencia del Programa de Educación en Diabetes del Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología de Cuba, se presenta un modelo de educación en salud basado en una estrategia de comunicación interactiva. Su objetivo es desarrollar en el sujeto la capacidad para pensar y decidir acerca de su salud partiendo de la discusión en grupos, facilitada por el proveedor de salud. En este modelo, el propósito y el contenido educativo los formulan los mismos beneficiarios. El punto de partida de la discusión se centra en el sujeto, tomando en cuenta sus necesidades de salud reales y sentidas. Se revisan los resultados obtenidos con esta metodología y se concluye que el modelo abre nuevas posibilidades educativas que facilitan la toma de decisiones en materia de salud y estilos de vida saludables.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article analyzes the need for participation of the groups that are the recipients of health messages in order to make health education more effective. Taking the traditional educational approach as the point of departure, the different options for communication and education processes in this field are explored in depth. The participatory communication model, in which the subject plays the role of both transmitter and recipient, leads to the coproduction of health education messages. In light of the experience of the Diabetes Education Program of the National Endocrinology Institute of Cuba, a health education model based on a strategy of interactive communication is presented. Its objective is to develop in the patient the capability to think and decide about his or her health through discussion groups facilitated by a health care provider. In this model, the beneficiaries of the health message help shape its aim and content. The discussion centers on the patient, taking into account his or her real health needs and feelings. The results obtained with this methodology are reviewed, and it is concluded that this model opens new educational possibilities that will facilitate decision-making with regard to health and healthy lifestyles.
  • Nuevos retos en el campo de la educación avanzada del personal de enfermería en América Latina Recursos Humanos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This document examines and describes the basic characteristics of the 48 postgraduate nursing programs that exist in Latin American countries. A critical and holistic analysis model is used to identify their ideological foundations, the policies that govern them at the ministerial and institutional levels, and the conditions in which the programs operate, in an attempt to highlight areas where critical needs exist and to offer recommendations on how to satisfy them. Emphasis is placed on the capacity of international agencies, governments, and universities to improve postgraduate nursing education through the definition of priorities in light of the general reforms taking place in the health sector, the provision of support for research on nursing topics, and the coordination of cooperation initiatives at the national and international levels.
Organización Panamericana de la Salud Washington - Washington - United States
E-mail: contacto_rpsp@paho.org